~Best Banana Bread~

Whenever I make this bread my children cheer, my husband enjoys, my nephew wants to come over…it is that good.  It is moist and very flavorful.  It’s not a low fat, low sugar recipe,  but is so very delicious that it is worth the treat once in a while.  It also freezes well.  The riper the bananas the better for this one!  This recipe is doubled so you can freeze  or share.

1 c. butter

2 c. sugar

4 eggs

2 -3 cups of very ripe mashed bananas

(this is about 3-6 bananas, I use a zip lock bag and smash them inside the

bag…kids love to do this)

2 1/2 c. flour

1 1/2 t. baking soda

1 teas. salt

You can also add chocolate chips (highly recommended) or nuts

Bake @ 350  ’til golden brown.  You can use mini bread pans, muffin tins, or regular sized bread pans.  Check with a toothpick or fork to make sure cooked all the way through.
