Born Out of Faith

The men who laid the foundations and reared the soaring arches of our great republic had a vigorous, indomitable, and all-encompassing belief in God.  Faith permeated their thoughts, words and deeds.  We see Thomas Jefferson’s hand guiding the quill which wrote, “I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.”  We see George Washington, when the fires of hope had flickered to embers,  kneeling in the snow at Valley Forge.  And we see wise old Ben Franklin suggesting to a Constitutional Convention, deadlocked time after time, that “we have prayers every morning.”

This nation was born out of faith in God.  It can continue to exist in freedom only as that faith remains forthright and strong.  A statesman of a past age said,  “despotism may govern without faith, but Liberty cannot.

Faith in God remains the solid rock that stands unmoved amid the sliding sands.  The antithesis of cynicism, it is the dynamo which sparks the minds and actions of men who think beyond the pettiness of self.  It is the tie which binds mankind in mystic unity, exalting the human creature until, indeed, he is  “little lower than the angels.”  And it is the balm which salves the sting of time and death.

Faith in God has meant to me the enjoyment of those manifold “blessings of liberty”  which the Founding Fathers sought to secure for all posterity.  It is a fathomless source from which to draw strength in times of adversity.  And it has helped me to catch a glimpse of the wisdom implicit in those immutable laws by which He rules His universe. ~J Hoover

What The Flag Means~Edward F. Hutton

The Flag is many things.  It is a mark of identification of ships at sea and of armies in the field.  It is a means of communication.  When you see our Flag in front of a home,  it says for all the world to read, “Here lives a family that is American in spirit as well as in name.”  The Flag is a mirror, reflecting to each person his own ideals and dreams.  It is a history.  Its thirteen stripes and fifty stars embrace a record written greatly during these years since 1776.  It is a mark of pride in a great word-the word “American.”  It is an aspiration of what small children want their lives to be.  It is a memory at the end of life of all that life has been.  It is a ribbon of honor for those who have served it well-in peace and war.  It is a warning not to detour from the long road that has brought our country and its people to a degree of prosperity and happiness never even approached under any other banner.

Flag day is a day to proudly display our flag and show our respect for our flag and country.  We are still one nation under God and we must not get discouraged but defend and stand up for our flag our God and our country. May the Lord have mercy upon our nation, may he send revival, restore our country and turn our hearts and homes towards Him.
