The 21 Rules of this house~By Gregg Harris

Before I even began homeschooling, I went to have lunch at my dearest friends home one spring day.  I loved to pick her brain,  look around at her home and glean anything I could from her because she was living the dream I wanted to live.  She found much delight in her young son, enjoyed being a “keeper- at- home” and was   diligent about training and discipling him.  While browsing around her kitchen,  I noticed these 21 rules posted on her refrigerator.  She told me about them and how they helped her in training her son.  I decided to use them as well and they have been such a blessing.  Now that my boys are older we do not refer to them as much,  but in the early child training days,  I would use these 21 rules and refer to them many times during the day. To my children they were the law of our home.  We memorized them, used them for our copywork,  and even added music and sang them.  Today Grandma still chides,  “number 16…don’t forget about rule  number 16 ! ”  because our family has a difficult time with this one.  I hope you will benefit from this helpful child training tool as well.   ~Anne
