Our Christian Heritage

The more I study history and read the original quotes and documents from our founding father’s, the more I am confident that our country was founded upon Christian ideals.  I thought I’d start a collection of some of my favorite quotes which support this fact.  I realize that our founders were not perfect….some were Deists and unbelievers.  All were sinners.  Many though were devout Christians who were trusting in Christ and used the Bible as their measuring rod and guide.  I’m learning that our founding documents like the Constitution were inspired by the principles taught in scripture.  We do not have a “godless constitution” as some claim today.

I’m going to put some of these quotes to memory; perhaps you will join me. ~Anne

“The foundations of our society and our government rests so much on the teachings of the Bible that it would be difficult to support them if faith in these teachings would cease to be practically universal in our country.”  Calvin Coolidge

“Go to the Scriptures.  The joyful promises it contains will be a balm to all your troubles.”   Andrew Jackson

“The Bible is the one supreme source of revelation of the meaning of life, the nature of God, and spiritual nature and need of men.  It is the only guide of life that really leads the spirit in the way of peace and salvation.”        Woodrow Wilson

(This one from President Lincoln is so relevant for us now)

"You two" from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

I hope you enjoy this sweet song from “Chitty Bang Bang”  This song reminds me of the joy that I have with my children. ~Anne

To me the answer’s clear; it’s having someone near; someone dear

Someone to care for; to be there for. I have You Two!
Someone to do for; muddle through for. I have You Two!
Someone to share joy or despair with; whichever betides you.
Life becomes a chore, unless you’re living for
someone to tend to be a friend to. I have You Two!
Someone to strive for, do or die for I have You Two!
Could be, we three get along so famously,

’cause you two have me, and I have You Two too.
Someone to care for; to be there for.

I have You Two!

Someone to do for; muddle through for

I have You Two!
Someone to smile once in awhile with;
whenever you’re lonesome
I’ve a happy lot, considering what I’ve got.
But, I couldn’t do more Than you do for your poor Father.

Things go asunder and I wonder why you bother.

Could be, we three get along so famously ’cause


we two have you, and I have You Two…. too
